The focus of the capstone series is endangered species and bringing attention to animals from around the world. This is accomplished through combining eye catching graphics and bold statements to draw people in and inform them of this issue as a call to action. The entire series is broken into three styles to not only bolster the portfolio, but also for variety and versatility for different formats and audiences. The first utilizes negative space for a visual pop, the second a posterized look in a stamp format, and the third is done in a data driven infographic style. These pieces represent a cohesive theme done in a variety of ways that not only address aesthetics but also serve as a platform for a call to action. Each design was created with the question “How can this help?” in mind, and so the posters serve the purpose of gaining attention of the people, sparking an interest into the cause, the stamps are a way for practical funding for the cause, and the infographic serves a dual purpose of providing detailed information to those whose interest was sparked while providing a main graphic to be used as another platform for funding in the form of apparel, accessories, and fine prints for those who not only support the cause but are willing to represent the cause.