My name is Brad Lovelace and as a Professional Photographer. I am very proud and honored to have earned an Associate Degree in Photography from Cecil College for the Fall semester of 2021. The journey to become a Photographer started a good while ago, I always had a passion for capturing images that meant something to someone, put a smile on their face present them with something they never could imagined for themselves. If that meant going to a family event like a wedding or birthday party or holiday, I always had my camera taking pictures.
I always thought to myself about the joy of being creative and getting the satisfaction of earning a living doing something that I had so much passion for, Photography. I enrolled at Cecil College in the spring of 2017 semester and tried to immerse myself in the college community. I was so excited to be around other students that had the same passion and desire that I had as a creative artist. In 2018 as I continued my classes and worked hard to get the most out of my education at the college I was also brought in to work in the VCP Lab on campus. I quickly learned about the sacrifices and hard work other students put in to earn their degree from the college. I enjoyed working in the lab for about eighteen months. As I continued my journey and the Covid-19 pandemic all but closed the campus for in-person learning. I left my position at the lab, but always remain grateful for the time and knowledge I acquired there.
So, after taking a few more on-line general studies classes and returning to campus to finish my degree, I am now a business owner and excited about my future in creating content for Bradford Lovelace Media Co. The company will be specializing in brand development and photography. I will continue to be capturing events like local sports and weddings and portraits. In closing I could have not been able to get to this point without the VCP dept at Cecil College. I have learned so much and gained so much confidence in at my time at the College. I want to thank everyone that I have been involved with at the college, the students the staff and the passion they all had to help me to achieve one of my dreams!
-Brad Lovelace
Founder of Bradford Lovelace Media Co.